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The Ministry of Water Resources -Ebook

The Ministry of Water Resources is responsible for laying down policy guidelines and programmes for the development and regulation of country's water resources. The Ministry has been allocated the following functions:-

  • Overall planning, policy formulation, coordination and guidance in the water resources sector.
  • Technical guidance, scrutiny, clearance and monitoring of the irrigation, flood control and multi-purpose projects (major/medium).
  • General infrastructural, technical and research support for sect oral development.
  • Providing special Central financial assistance for specific projects and assistance in obtaining external finance from World Bank and other agencies.
  • Overall policy formulation, planning and guidance in respect of minor irrigation and command area development, administration and monitoring of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes and promotion of participatory irrigation management.
  • Overall planning for the development of ground water resources, establishment of utilizable resources and formulation of policies of exploitation, overseeing of and support to State level activities in ground water development.
  • Formulation of national water development perspective and the determination of the water balance of different basins/sub-basins for consideration of possibilities of inter-basin transfers.
  • Coordination, mediation and facilitation in regard to the resolution of differences or disputes relating to inter-state rivers and in some instances, the overseeing of the implementation of inter-state projects.
  • Operation of the central network for flood forecasting and warning on inter-state rivers, the provision of central assistance for some State Schemes in special cases and preparation of flood control master plans for the Ganga and the Brahmaputra.
  • Talks and negotiations with neighbouring countries, in regard to river waters, water resources development projects and the operation of the Indus Water Treaty.

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